Welp, yesterday was a very interesting day. It all started out pretty normal, washed some clothes, watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S., talked with Haileigh. Yep, everything seemed normal until I went to brush my teeth. And that's when I saw it. This is pretty gross, so if you have a weak stomach you might not want to keep reading. Okay here it goes. When I started to brush my teeth I noticed a couple of my teeth on the right side were black around my gums. Yep, you read that right, BLACK. Then I stuck out my tongue. BLACK. Holy guacamole. I was panicking by this point! My entire tongue and some teeth were black! I started to panickingly ( I don't know if that's a word) brushing and it came off my teeth. The tongue was a different story. It was barely coming off. I yelled for Haileigh to call my mom and we went meet my mom at my aunt Rhonda's office. I showed everyone there and no one knew what it was! Well then they said if it's coming off when you brush then it must not be something wrong with you, it must be something on your tongue. Well, I ended up not going to work because I was freaking out, so I just went lay down at my mom's house.
A little while later I got 3 phone calls from 3 different people all telling me the same thing. My tongue and teeth turned black because I took Pepto Bismol the night before. It says it right there on the box " a darkening of the tongue may occur". DARKENING? no, my entire tongue was BLACK! Crazy! Has this happened to anyone else? This is the first time anything like that has ever happened to me!
Well, on a good note, I ended up not going to either one of my jobs yesterday because of my black tongue ailment and my allergies were aweful, so I took a Benedryl and fell asleep the entire afternnoon which was nice!
And that's the horrific tale of the black tongue. Scary I know. I hope my tongue stays healthy and pink from this day forward. Crazy Pepto! It's pink medicine! Why does it turn your tongue black? I guess I'll never know. I'm not a doctor. Or a Chemist.
LOL, your black tongue was very strange. I'm hoping your body parts stay a normal color for good.